BASH 7188
Proxmox WireGuard LXC Guest on 13th November 2022 09:37:14 AM
  1. To create a new Proxmox WireGuard LXC, run the following in the Proxmox Shell.
  3. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  4. echo -e "Loading..."
  5. APP="Wireguard"
  6. var_disk="2"
  7. var_cpu="1"
  8. var_ram="512"
  9. var_os="debian"
  10. var_version="11"
  11. NSAPP=$(echo ${APP,,} | tr -d ' ')
  12. var_install="${NSAPP}-install"
  13. NEXTID=$(pvesh get /cluster/nextid)
  14. INTEGER='^[0-9]+$'
  15. YW=$(echo "\033[33m")
  16. BL=$(echo "\033[36m")
  17. RD=$(echo "\033[01;31m")
  18. BGN=$(echo "\033[4;92m")
  19. GN=$(echo "\033[1;92m")
  20. DGN=$(echo "\033[32m")
  21. CL=$(echo "\033[m")
  22. BFR="\\r\\033[K"
  23. HOLD="-"
  24. CM="${GN}${CL}"
  25. set -o errexit
  26. set -o errtrace
  27. set -o nounset
  28. set -o pipefail
  29. shopt -s expand_aliases
  30. alias die='EXIT=$? LINE=$LINENO error_exit'
  31. trap die ERR
  32. function error_exit() {
  33.   trap - ERR
  34.   local reason="Unknown failure occurred."
  35.   local msg="${1:-$reason}"
  36.   local flag="${RD}‼ ERROR ${CL}$EXIT@$LINE"
  37.   echo -e "$flag $msg" 1>&2
  38.   exit $EXIT
  39. }
  40. if (whiptail --title "${APP} LXC" --yesno "This will create a New ${APP} LXC. Proceed?" 10 58); then
  41.   echo "User selected Yes"
  42. else
  43.   clear
  44.   echo -e "⚠ User exited script \n"
  45.   exit
  46. fi
  47. function header_info {
  48.   echo -e "${RD}
  49. __          ___           _____                     _
  50. \ \        / (_)         / ____|                   | |
  51.  \ \  /\  / / _ _ __ ___| |  __ _   _  __ _ _ __ __| |
  52.   \ \/  \/ / | |  __/ _ \ | |_ | | | |/ _  |  __/ _  |
  53.    \  /\  /  | | | |  __/ |__| | |_| | (_| | | | (_| |
  54.     \/  \/ v4|_|_|  \___|\_____|\__,_|\__,_|_|  \__,_|
  55.                   ${YW}With WGDashboard
  56. ${CL}"
  57. }
  58. function msg_info() {
  59.   local msg="$1"
  60.   echo -ne " ${HOLD} ${YW}${msg}..."
  61. }
  62. function msg_ok() {
  63.   local msg="$1"
  64.   echo -e "${BFR} ${CM} ${GN}${msg}${CL}"
  65. }
  66. function PVE_CHECK() {
  67.   PVE=$(pveversion | grep "pve-manager/7" | wc -l)
  68.   if [[ $PVE != 1 ]]; then
  69.     echo -e "${RD}This script requires Proxmox Virtual Environment 7.0 or greater${CL}"
  70.     echo -e "Exiting..."
  71.     sleep 2
  72.     exit
  73.   fi
  74. }
  75. function default_settings() {
  76.   echo -e "${DGN}Using Container Type: ${BGN}Unprivileged${CL} ${RD}NO DEVICE PASSTHROUGH${CL}"
  77.   CT_TYPE="1"
  78.   echo -e "${DGN}Using Root Password: ${BGN}Automatic Login${CL}"
  79.   PW=""
  80.   echo -e "${DGN}Using Container ID: ${BGN}$NEXTID${CL}"
  81.   CT_ID=$NEXTID
  82.   echo -e "${DGN}Using Hostname: ${BGN}$NSAPP${CL}"
  83.   HN=$NSAPP
  84.   echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size: ${BGN}$var_disk${CL}${DGN}GB${CL}"
  85.   DISK_SIZE="$var_disk"
  86.   echo -e "${DGN}Allocated Cores ${BGN}$var_cpu${CL}"
  87.   CORE_COUNT="$var_cpu"
  88.   echo -e "${DGN}Allocated Ram ${BGN}$var_ram${CL}"
  89.   RAM_SIZE="$var_ram"
  90.   echo -e "${DGN}Using Bridge: ${BGN}vmbr0${CL}"
  91.   BRG="vmbr0"
  92.   echo -e "${DGN}Using Static IP Address: ${BGN}dhcp${CL}"
  93.   NET=dhcp
  94.   echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway Address: ${BGN}Default${CL}"
  95.   GATE=""
  96.   echo -e "${DGN}Using MAC Address: ${BGN}Default${CL}"
  97.   MAC=""
  98.   echo -e "${DGN}Using VLAN Tag: ${BGN}Default${CL}"
  99.   VLAN=""
  100.   echo -e "${BL}Creating a ${APP} LXC using the above default settings${CL}"
  101. }
  102. function advanced_settings() {
  103.   CT_TYPE=$(whiptail --title "CONTAINER TYPE" --radiolist --cancel-button Exit-Script "Choose Type" 8 58 2 \
  104.     "1" "Unprivileged" ON \
  105.     "0" "Privileged" OFF \
  106.     3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  107.   exitstatus=$?
  108.   if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then
  109.     echo -e "${DGN}Using Container Type: ${BGN}$CT_TYPE${CL}"
  110.   fi
  111.   PW1=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set Root Password" 8 58 --title "PASSWORD(leave blank for automatic login)" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  112.   exitstatus=$?
  113.   if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then
  114.     if [ -z $PW1 ]; then
  115.       PW1="Automatic Login" PW=" "
  116.       echo -e "${DGN}Using Root Password: ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
  117.     else
  118.       PW="-password $PW1"
  119.       echo -e "${DGN}Using Root Password: ${BGN}$PW1${CL}"
  120.     fi
  121.   fi
  122.   CT_ID=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set Container ID" 8 58 $NEXTID --title "CONTAINER ID" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  123.   exitstatus=$?
  124.   if [ -z $CT_ID ]; then
  125.     CT_ID="$NEXTID"
  126.     echo -e "${DGN}Container ID: ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"
  127.   else
  128.     if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then echo -e "${DGN}Using Container ID: ${BGN}$CT_ID${CL}"; fi
  129.   fi
  130.   CT_NAME=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set Hostname" 8 58 $NSAPP --title "HOSTNAME" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  131.   exitstatus=$?
  132.   if [ -z $CT_NAME ]; then
  133.     HN="$NSAPP"
  134.     echo -e "${DGN}Using Hostname: ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
  135.   else
  136.     if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then
  137.       HN=$(echo ${CT_NAME,,} | tr -d ' ')
  138.       echo -e "${DGN}Using Hostname: ${BGN}$HN${CL}"
  139.     fi
  140.   fi
  141.   DISK_SIZE=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set Disk Size in GB" 8 58 $var_disk --title "DISK SIZE" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  142.   exitstatus=$?
  143.   if [ -z $DISK_SIZE ]; then
  144.     DISK_SIZE="$var_disk"
  145.     echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size: ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"
  146.   else
  147.     if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then echo -e "${DGN}Using Disk Size: ${BGN}$DISK_SIZE${CL}"; fi
  148.     if ! [[ $DISK_SIZE =~ $INTEGER ]]; then
  149.       echo -e "${RD}⚠ DISK SIZE MUST BE A INTEGER NUMBER!${CL}"
  150.       advanced_settings
  151.     fi
  152.   fi
  153.   CORE_COUNT=$(whiptail --inputbox "Allocate CPU Cores" 8 58 $var_cpu --title "CORE COUNT" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  154.   exitstatus=$?
  155.   if [ -z $CORE_COUNT ]; then
  156.     CORE_COUNT="$var_cpu"
  157.     echo -e "${DGN}Allocated Cores: ${BGN}$CORE_COUNT${CL}"
  158.   else
  159.     if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then echo -e "${DGN}Allocated Cores: ${BGN}$CORE_COUNT${CL}"; fi
  160.   fi
  161.   RAM_SIZE=$(whiptail --inputbox "Allocate RAM in MiB" 8 58 $var_ram --title "RAM" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  162.   exitstatus=$?
  163.   if [ -z $RAM_SIZE ]; then
  164.     RAM_SIZE="$var_ram"
  165.     echo -e "${DGN}Allocated RAM: ${BGN}$RAM_SIZE${CL}"
  166.   else
  167.     if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then echo -e "${DGN}Allocated RAM: ${BGN}$RAM_SIZE${CL}"; fi
  168.   fi
  169.   BRG=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a Bridge" 8 58 vmbr0 --title "BRIDGE" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  170.   exitstatus=$?
  171.   if [ -z $BRG ]; then
  172.     BRG="vmbr0"
  173.     echo -e "${DGN}Using Bridge: ${BGN}$BRG${CL}"
  174.   else
  175.     if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then echo -e "${DGN}Using Bridge: ${BGN}$BRG${CL}"; fi
  176.   fi
  177.   NET=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a Static IPv4 CIDR Address(/24)" 8 58 dhcp --title "IP ADDRESS" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  178.   exitstatus=$?
  179.   if [ -z $NET ]; then
  180.     NET="dhcp"
  181.     echo -e "${DGN}Using IP Address: ${BGN}$NET${CL}"
  182.   else
  183.     if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then echo -e "${DGN}Using IP Address: ${BGN}$NET${CL}"; fi
  184.   fi
  185.   GATE1=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a Gateway IP (mandatory if Static IP was used)" 8 58 --title "GATEWAY IP" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  186.   exitstatus=$?
  187.   if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then
  188.     if [ -z $GATE1 ]; then
  189.       GATE1="Default" GATE=""
  190.       echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address: ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
  191.     else
  192.       GATE=",gw=$GATE1"
  193.       echo -e "${DGN}Using Gateway IP Address: ${BGN}$GATE1${CL}"
  194.     fi
  195.   fi
  196.   MAC1=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a MAC Address(leave blank for default)" 8 58 --title "MAC ADDRESS" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  197.   exitstatus=$?
  198.   if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then
  199.     if [ -z $MAC1 ]; then
  200.       MAC1="Default" MAC=""
  201.       echo -e "${DGN}Using MAC Address: ${BGN}$MAC1${CL}"
  202.     else
  203.       MAC=",hwaddr=$MAC1"
  204.       echo -e "${DGN}Using MAC Address: ${BGN}$MAC1${CL}"
  205.     fi
  206.   fi
  207.   VLAN1=$(whiptail --inputbox "Set a Vlan(leave blank for default)" 8 58 --title "VLAN" --cancel-button Exit-Script 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3)
  208.   exitstatus=$?
  209.   if [ $exitstatus = 0 ]; then
  210.     if [ -z $VLAN1 ]; then
  211.       VLAN1="Default" VLAN=""
  212.       echo -e "${DGN}Using Vlan: ${BGN}$VLAN1${CL}"
  213.     else
  214.       VLAN=",tag=$VLAN1"
  215.       echo -e "${DGN}Using Vlan: ${BGN}$VLAN1${CL}"
  216.     fi
  217.   fi
  218.   if (whiptail --title "ADVANCED SETTINGS COMPLETE" --yesno "Ready to create ${APP} LXC?" --no-button Do-Over 10 58); then
  219.     echo -e "${RD}Creating a ${APP} LXC using the above advanced settings${CL}"
  220.   else
  221.     clear
  222.     header_info
  223.     echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
  224.     advanced_settings
  225.   fi
  226. }
  227. function start_script() {
  228.   if (whiptail --title "SETTINGS" --yesno "Use Default Settings?" --no-button Advanced 10 58); then
  229.     header_info
  230.     echo -e "${BL}Using Default Settings${CL}"
  231.     default_settings
  232.   else
  233.     header_info
  234.     echo -e "${RD}Using Advanced Settings${CL}"
  235.     advanced_settings
  236.   fi
  237. }
  238. clear
  239. start_script
  240. if [ "$CT_TYPE" == "1" ]; then
  241.   FEATURES="nesting=1,keyctl=1"
  242. else
  243.   FEATURES="nesting=1"
  244. fi
  245. TEMP_DIR=$(mktemp -d)
  246. pushd $TEMP_DIR >/dev/null
  247. export CTID=$CT_ID
  248. export PCT_OSTYPE=$var_os
  249. export PCT_OSVERSION=$var_version
  250. export PCT_DISK_SIZE=$DISK_SIZE
  251. export PCT_OPTIONS="
  252.  -features $FEATURES
  253.  -hostname $HN
  254.  -net0 name=eth0,bridge=$BRG$MAC,ip=$NET$GATE$VLAN
  255.  -onboot 1
  256.  -cores $CORE_COUNT
  257.  -memory $RAM_SIZE
  258.  -unprivileged $CT_TYPE
  259.  $PW
  260. "
  261. bash -c "$(wget -qLO -" || exit
  262. msg_info "Starting LXC Container"
  263. pct start $CTID
  264. msg_ok "Started LXC Container"
  265. lxc-attach -n $CTID -- bash -c "$(wget -qLO -$" || exit
  266. IP=$(pct exec $CTID ip a s dev eth0 | sed -n '/inet / s/\// /p' | awk '{print $2}')
  267. pct set $CTID -description "# ${APP} LXC
  268. ###
  269. <a href=''><img src='☕-Buy me a coffee-red' /></a>"
  270. msg_ok "Completed Successfully!\n"
  271. echo -e "WGDashboard should be reachable by going to the following URL.
  272.         ${BL}http://${IP}:10086${CL} \n" ist fuer Quelltexte und generellen Debugging Text.

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